Sunday, October 6, 2013

Purpose of this site

                Hello fellow philosophers and wine lovers the purpose of this site is to bring people together.Whenever there is an academic event going on no matter where you are you can pretty much gurantee that wine will be apart of the event. Wine over the centuries has been a major part of cuisine, history, and life in general. It has been enjoyed by everyone from the very rich to the very poor. From Kings, Queens, Generals, the middle class, and especially peasants.

             In this blog I will explore some of the very best and worst wines that the world has to offer. No continent or grape shall go untouched in this blog. We shall explore the tastes, food pairings, and when certain wines will be appropriate.Yes there are some wines that are good for serving at the dinner table, academic events, and then there are those that should only be shared with meaning or close relationships.This site hopes to give persons the best opinions of wines and potential pairings. 

       As well as give funny stories or how persons encountered certain wines.Why even the cheapest wines can out perform the very best at times.We will be honest when it comes to this blog as well. There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion when it comes to wine. Especially when even the best wine experts cannot tell when they are tasting a red or white blindfolded. We are for people with open mind and thoughts. Yet if you would like to debate with us then be our guest. We are philosophers so we enjoy a good argument.

Thank You


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