Friday, October 18, 2013

Cheap Red Wine


       Yesterday after all of my philosophy classes were done I was invited to have some wine with friends. To listen to music and have some great discussion. Now that is just a wonderful time with good friends. However, out of all the bottles of wine one stood out the most.

      A friend purchased a bottle called Cheap Red Wine from a store in Little Italy of the Bronx. It seemed very humorous at the time, and we thought at least they are being honest. The Logo literally says what to expect from the product.

     As I opened the bottle I was very surprised I could not smell anything. There were no distinct smells or even alcohol content.  Even when pouring the wine into a glass it was painfully obvious that this would not be a good experience. Yet it was even more surprising just how bad this wine was. One friend who had yet to taste the wine regretted it immediately once she did. She spit it up immediately as a reflex, and got it on the carpet.

    Out of the five people only two persons finished the bottle. Some people will say after the first glass it is all the same, however this is not true at all. With every glass this wine continues to remind you just how bad it is. I am inclined to call it barely red covered public bathroom toilet water.

    Another wine enthusiast Orlando Trinidad recommended that it be used for cooking meats. I looked at him because I would not use this wine to clean dog crap off of my shoes. What is also heartbreaking is for a brand called Cheap Red Wine it is truly not cheap at all because of its price range of $10.50. For that price one could get two mediocre wines, which are of better quality. Please do not buy this wine unless you are looking for comic relief or just to show to people. DO NOT DRINK

Thank You
Jonny Jones


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