Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Papi Wine

           I remember years ago in the 2010 after moving back to New York City I was looking for a good wine to purchase. As a college student I was definitely on a budget. I have never felt the need to ever pay $300 for one bottle of wine. Especially since even a $25 bottle  is a lot of money for a college student to spend on for one bottle. If one does do so I hope they are enjoying it with the very best of company.

           Most Bronx natives only seemed to purchase wines like Moscato, Bear Foot, Sweet (Bitch), and Alize. Which in my opinion should not be classified as a wine, but that is a topic for another day. Yet these are the wines most persons seem to consume. Mostly because trying new wines is just not something people in the area do.

        Yet I saw wine that was five dollars that came in three different varieties. A Merlot, Cab, and Pino Grigio all made by the Chilean company called Papi. I decided to try the Merlot and see if it was bearable. As I opened the wine my kitchen was instantly overpowered by a delicious smell. In the wine glass testing for legs the alcohol content was not heavily potent. Some cheap wines are over powered by just the smell and taste of the alcohol.

         The smell can best be described as a sweet peach flavored wine. As if the grapes were grown near peach trees, and the flavor got into the vine. Yet it was not so over powered to the point where that was all that could be tasted. The flavor and perfection of the grape was intact. They did not take a bunch of random left over grapes to make the wine, but each was a product of the same grower.

        When I think Merlot I usual come up with bitter, yet sweet, or equate it to dark chocolate taste some what. Yet not with Papi their Merlot is different because it is not bitter, sweet, and yet just overall enjoyable. Red or white it is one wine that can be eaten with whatever persons desires. If you want to have red with fish or white with a steak than this is the wine for you. Have it for dinner or at a social event it will definitely be enjoyable

      This is one wine that will for $5 is well worth the money. There are those myself included who have paid more for just awful wines. Why do that to yourself if you would like a simple wine that will get good reviews at any event then this wine is for you. Lastly it also makes a wonderful sangria.

Until Next Time
Jonny Jones.

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